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Keniox is cheaper now! Try the trial version for free! Also, when purchased - we offer 14 days money back quarantee! Latest version - powered by AI (Neural Net with machine learning). Great feedback from players who have recently won - 49's UK lottery (FEB 11th) and EuroMillions (end of January) - leveraging an easy to predict lack of balance among groups of numbers :)


Stop playing blind !

   Pick your lottery numbers
                          with Keniox

..the intelligent lottery assistant.

Download FREE trial/demo

    If you are seriously interested in winning some money, not only filling the pockets of lottery organizers, read on.

     There are no flashing adverts or surprise big prizes here. We make no empty promises but..

   With Keniox you can count on: comprehensive description of number selection based on real examples, real draws, dates, numbers, you get a clear and unambiguous step -by -step Wizard .
     In addition, the new Keniox 2.0 for the first time with AI capabilities (neurat net with machine learning)

     Perhaps you’ve already visited some other lottery websites. If so, you’ve probably noticed that such websites usually:

  • Offer “amazing” lottery guides promising “big winnings”, though without giving clear explanations.
  • Contain many unrelated statistics, which taken out of context, don't give you the whole picture, don't contain any real examples, or a proof that they actually work.

Keniox is different -   get the FREE trial/demo

     If you have any questions please have a look at our Frequently Asked Questions page, and go through a detailed, step by step explanation on how to use Keniox functions, Wizard and How To Play.
     You can always contact us - directly. After all it's your knowledge, experience and ideas that helped us create and constantly improve this lottery software! Read our players testimonials..

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